Policies and Procedures
Salmen High Student Handbook
- Salmen High Values, Vision, and Mission
- Administration Building Contacts
- School Communication
- Academics
- Attendance
- Health and Safety
- Campus Life
- Transportation
- Dress Code/Uniform Policy
- Discipline Policy (Refer to District Handbook)
- Compliance Notice
- Teacher Bill of Rights
Salmen High Values, Vision, and Mission
Exceeds Expectations
We envision a community of empathetic, lifelong learners who are ALWAYS READY to face challenges while making a positive difference in the world.
To cultivate a Spartan family ethos where every student is equipped to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. We are committed to developing students who are ALWAYS READY for the future by providing rigorous academics, comprehensive support, leadership opportunities, and community engagement. We prepare our students to be innovative leaders, lifelong learners, and compassionate members of society.
Administration Building Contacts
Principal: Liza Jacobs (Liza.Jacobs@stpsb.org)
Assistant Principal: Quay Brisco (Quay.Brisco@stpsb.org)
Assistant Principal: Sharmaine Donald (Sharmaine.Donald@stpsb.org)
Assistant Principal: Alvin Garabold (Alvin.Garabold@stpsb.org)
Assistant Principal: Glen Rayford (Glen.Rayford@stpsb.org)
Administrative Assistant: Rickey Thiaville (Rickey.Thiaville@stpsb.org)
Administrative Assistant/ 9th Coordinator: Lisa Peffley (Lisa.Peffley@stpsb.org)
Administrative Assistant/Testing: Casey Prevost (Casey.Prevost@stpsb.org)
Front office Secretary: Deborah Pfeifer (Deborah.Pfeifer@stpsb.org)
Registrar: Cynthia Boudreau (Cynthia.Boudreau@stpsb.org)
Attendance Secretary: Bruce Howard (Bruce.Howard@stpsb.org)
Counselor 9th: Nicole Meyers (Nicole.Meyers@stpsb.org)
Counselor 10th: Sheena Bouie (Sheena.Bouie@stpsb.org)
Counselor 11th:
Counselor 12th: Hanna Montana (Hanna.Montana@stpsb.org)
Mental Health Provider: Jacquet Williams (Jacquet.Williams@stpsb.org)
School Communication
Email: The most efficient way to communicate with any school staff member is by email. It is very important that Salmen High School has an updated email address on file for all parents/caregivers.
Text: Salmen will send out school communication and reminders via JCampus. These reminders will come to your cell phones via text message. If you change cell phone numbers, please update your contact information in the front office.
News: Important information and updates will be available on our school website. https://salmenhigh.stpsb.org/
Elastic Clause
The principal reserves the right to take necessary steps or make necessary adjustments at any time to ensure the well-being of students and maintain school standards. All preceding procedures, rules, and regulations are subject to this clause.
The various computer laboratories located throughout the school building are major investments that require preventive maintenance. Students may not bring food, drink, or gum into these areas. A Technology Use Agreement must be signed by the student, a parent, or legal guardian before a student is allowed access to the computers at Salmen High School.
Cheating is defined as giving or receiving answers in any phase of a class assignment, tests, homework, projects, exams, etc. Any student caught cheating in any form will receive the grade of "zero" for the assignment. This rule applies to both the student seeking answers from another source and to the student who gives away answers. If a student is caught cheating in an honors course, the student may be removed from the honors program.
Since student information is kept electronically, parents are able to check grades on a daily basis through JPAMS. Passwords are mailed at the beginning of school each year. If a conference is needed with teachers, parents are encouraged to contact their child’s guidance counselor. Conference requests by administration are considered MANDATORY and must be held with an administrator at the appointed time to avoid further actions. Parent conferences are held any time after 7:45am daily.
Salmen High School has counselors (985-649-7975) to assist students, families, and teachers in making the educational process as effective as possible. Students should reach out to counselors via email or at designated times. A list of the counselors and their assigned grade levels is above. Secondary counseling services include academic and personal counseling, crisis intervention, referrals and coordination of services with agencies and professionals outside of the school setting, school testing, career explorations, scheduling, and post-graduate planning. Salmen High also has a certified Mental Health Provider on campus daily. A St. Tammany Parish College Counselor is available as well for additional academic counseling.
Students are asked for input on their schedules for the next year in the spring of the current year or upon registering at Salmen. Students schedule at that time for the ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR. Their selections are used to determine the Master Schedule and the number of classes for each course. Since the time between semesters is one extended weekend, only those students with an emergency/necessary scheduling crisis will be allowed to change schedules in January. Please remember this when planning the yearly schedule.
The state of Louisiana has adopted the following statewide uniform grading scale:
A 100-90
B 89-80
C 79-70
D 69-60
F 59 or below
A grade of "I" (incomplete) is given when a student has not completed work for a nine-week session due to extenuating circumstances. Incompletes must be made up within the time period indicated by the teacher in order for the student to get credit/a grade for the course. A minimum of 9 grades are required per nine-week grading period. Teachers are required to notify students and their parents of grading policies used in their classrooms.
The St. Tammany Parish School Board issues diplomas to students who successfully complete the End of Course (EOC) tests and who have earned a minimum of 24 credits. *Remember that the requirements for graduation and for TOPS are not the same. Be sure to access the current TOPS requirements at https://salmenhigh.stpsb.org under the Counselors section. All fees and fines must be settled in order for students to participate in the graduation ceremony.
Semester Exams are comprehensive and are twenty percent of the final grade in each course. All students are required to take an exam during the scheduled period. NO EXAMS WILL BE ADMINISTERED EARLY FOR ANY REASON. Pay absolute attention to the school calendar when scheduling end of year trips. Students will only be allowed to make up exams for legitimate excuses that comply with the STPSB handbook for discipline and attendance. Students are not allowed to check out during the time of exam administration.
All teachers are required to report grades to parents mid-way through each nine-week period. These Interim or Progress Reports are sent home with the student. The administration requires all teachers to inform the parents of all students of their progress or lack of progress at this time. Parents should expect interims at the midpoint of each nine-week session.
Report cards are issued the week after the close of each quarter. Please see the calendar for the dates for the ending of each nine-week period. Parents needing a copy of a report card should call the main office.
Grade Level |
Required Units |
Sophomore |
5 units |
Junior |
11 units |
Senior |
17 units |
Graduate |
24 units |
Students at Salmen High School must earn Carnegie units in order to advance to the next grade level. The requirements are listed above.
Student fees may be accessed to students for some courses.
Parents can check their own student’s grades, attendance, and discipline using the JPAM Home program.
Log-on at: https://jpams.stpsb.org/jpweb/ -- Use Student Number and PIN Number to access student information – this will be mailed to you.
All textbooks issued to students are the property of the St. Tammany Parish School System. Students are expected to take good care of their books. If a book is not returned by a student when the session ends or when he/she withdraws from SALMEN, or when a book is lost or damaged beyond use, the student/parent must pay the replacement cost of the book. Students will be restricted from participation in extracurricular activities if outstanding materials are not returned.
Tutoring is available by individual teachers. Please speak to your teacher for tutoring information.
See STPSB Attendance Policy update.
Truancy: A notification letter will be sent to the parents/guardian after three (3) days of unexcused absences. A copy of Act 745 form will be sent to the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance when unexcused absences accumulate to five (5). For extenuating circumstances – see the STPSB Discipline Handbook. When absent, students are expected to keep up with their work by checking the teacher’s web page for assignments, homework, test dates and deadlines. Students must be present for at least half of the school day in order to participate in school-sponsored extracurricular activities on that day. Salmen High discourages student checkouts past 2:00 p.m.
ACT 745 provides monetary fines, community service and imprisonment for parents and legal guardians whose children are habitually tardy and absent from school. These measures will be decided upon under the jurisdiction of the St. Tammany Parish School Board and enforced by the Offices of Child Welfare and Attendance.
ACT 688 authorizes, subject to the adoption of school board policies, the denial or suspension of driving privileges to a minor who fails to meet compulsory school attendance requirements and has withdrawn from school or is habitually absent or truant.
Any student, above the compulsory attendance age (17), who has excessive absences that are unexcused, may be dropped from the rolls for the remainder of the school term.
All students must make up seat time for all unexcused absences over the 5-day limit per semester. Students who exceed the attendance regulation at the end of the semester and fail to recover seat time through attendance recovery sessions will be denied credit in the course. Students in danger of being denied credit due to excessive absences may be allowed to make up missed time in sessions held outside of the regular class time. The After School/Saturday makeup sessions must be completed before the end of the current semester and all other policies must be met. Any student who does not complete his/her attendance recovery sessions will be denied credit. Attendance Recovery Sessions for this school year will be posted in Student Services.
Students are responsible for making up all work missed during an absence. According to St. Tammany Parish School Board policy, the student has an equal number of days absent to make up the work missed. For Example, If a student misses two days, then the work needs to be made up within two school days upon returning to school. Teachers are encouraged to use discretion in extending this deadline dependent upon extenuating circumstances. The student will be allowed to make up work with no loss of percentage points upon completion. For Unexcused absences, students will be allowed to make up missed work. For Out of School Suspensions, students will be allowed to make up assignments without penalty as long as it is completed within the requirements of the teachers make-up work policy. Makeup work for excused and unexcused absences can be done so at 100 % value of all assignments in a timely manner to be determined by teacher, school or district policy.
Students are not allowed to check out on nine weeks test days, mid-term exam days, final exam days, or state testing days. In the event that a student must check out, a parent or guardian must come to the school to have the student released. Phone calls will not be accepted on these days.
Students participating in school-approved activities, which necessitate a student being away from school, shall be considered present and shall be given the opportunity for make-up work. The administration reserves the right to limit the number of “M” days assigned to a student. Make-up policy applies. Seniors will be given no more than two college days documented by an official letter from the school stating the student attended on a specific day. These visits must be pre-approved by the Guidance Counselors.
When requesting to speak to a student or have a message delivered during the school day, please be mindful that the school campus is a learning environment. Be prepared to wait until the end or beginning of a class period so as not to disturb the other members of the class or to disrupt the classroom instruction for individual messages. Messages will not be given to students during the school day unless there is an emergency. Students are permitted to contact home in cases of emergency or illness. The OSS secretary will make parental contact. Students are NOT allowed to call home on any phones other than in the Office of Student Services. Students should not go to the office to check out between classes. They should let their teacher know that they are sick and the teacher will notify the office. When the parent is reached, then the student will be called to the office to sign out. Students who leave without properly checking out are considered “skipping” and will be referred for disciplinary action. The administration reserves the right to require parent pick-up if the student’s check-outs are excessive. On an exam day or a day before a school holiday, a student can only be checked out if the parent comes to the school to get the child. Phone calls will not be accepted on these days.
During exams, classes will absolutely not be disrupted for a student to check out or receive a message from a parent. In those cases, parents will need to wait until the exam period has ended. Students must be in the study period to take the exam during the regular exam time. Students are not allowed to check out on nine weeks test days, midterm exam days, final exam days, or state testing days. In the event that a student must check out, a parent or guardian must come to the school to have the student released. If the student misses an exam due to absence or check-out, the student must have a medical excuse in order to make the exam up on the makeup day. Only the principal can approve the scheduling of an exam at a time other than the regular exam time. Under no circumstances will exams be administered earlier than scheduled time.
All students are expected to arrive at school in a timely manner. If a student arrives at school after the tardy bell, then he/she must report to the Office of Student Services and check-in. The secretary in Student Services will issue a tardy slip to the student and record the check-in time in JPAMS.
TARDINESS TO SCHOOL will be dealt with in the following manner:
1. Students will receive a maximum of three non-penalty tardies to school each semester regardless of the reason.
2. On any subsequent tardies, the students will receive disciplinary action. A student shall be considered habitually tardy to school after the fifth occurrence within a semester. The administration will be within rights to report any student considered habitually tardy to the supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance.
3. Tardies to school are excused only if the student checks-in with a doctor/dental note, a mandatory court appearance note, or a truancy hearing note, etc. For the tardy to be excused, documentation must be provided upon arrival at school. Extenuating circumstances will be determined by administration. Parent notes must be turned in within 48 hours.
Health and Safety
All accidents while on campus or while participating in a school event must be reported immediately to the Office of Student Services and the appropriate form must be completed and submitted to the School Board Office.
Occasionally, school may need to close due to an emergency. Notification of emergency closings is given as soon as possible to parents and caretakers. Notifications about closings and re-openings are made through recorded emergency phone calls, the School System website, stpsb.org, the School System mobile app, STPPS Facebook and Twitter accounts and the local media.
These are held at regular intervals to ensure that students know the proper procedures to follow in case of an emergency that requires evacuation from the building. These practices should be taken seriously. Disruptive behavior during any of these drills can lead to major disciplinary action. The drill procedures are posted in every room and teachers will review their expectations with each student.
Students are not allowed to have medication in their possession while on the school campus. Any medicine that must be administered during school hours must be turned in to the Office of Student Services (by the parent/guardian ONLY) along with the name of the drug, the proper dosage, the physician’s orders, and the time interval between doses. The container must be properly labeled with the student’s name and the name of the physician or pharmacy.
There is a registered nurse on campus daily. The school nurse will also administer vision and hearing tests at various times throughout the school year. Students must have state required shot records that are current and up-to-date, or they will be excluded from school until received.
Salmen High School operates as a closed campus. This means students may not leave the campus once arrived. This includes students who ride the bus or drive to school. Leaving the campus without checking out through the office of Student Services will result in disciplinary action. Students are not allowed to leave campus for lunch or to receive food (i.e. McDonald’s, Sonic, Subway, etc.) from persons “visiting” the school campus or others. Students are to clear the campus immediately when the dismissal bell rings.
All visitors must sign in with the secretary in the Student Service’s office to receive a Visitor’s Pass. Visitors are not allowed in the classrooms. This includes former students.
A full-time School Resource Officer is assigned to our campus. School authorities are frequently asked to cooperate with Officers of Law Enforcement Agencies, Social Services, OCS, Child Protection and other such agencies. It is our policy to fully cooperate in these instances, as well as in cases of child abuse, child neglect, and child welfare. Students caught with illegal substances do face consequences at the school level and may also become involved in the legal system.
The St. Tammany Parish School Board and Salmen High School policies prohibit sexual harassment in any form between any members of our student body or staff. Students wishing to report an incident should see an administrator who will start the investigation process. False reporting is also prohibited. All complaints are taken seriously. Complaints involving students are handled on site.
Those involving an adult are referred to the Central Office.
Campus Life
Students are held accountable for following all behavior policies and procedures as set forth by the St. Tammany Parish School Board and Salmen High. Students displaying disrespect for personnel or for policies and procedures will be referred to the Office of Student Services for appropriate disciplinary action. The action taken is influenced by the severity of the infraction, the student’s current school year history, and St. Tammany Parish School Board Policy. Salmen High uses a Positive Behavior Support Program which provides opportunities and activities for recognition of students who demonstrate positive behaviors.
Teachers use a daily discipline ladder to track and monitor minor classroom behaviors and will inform parents when such behaviors are repetitive. The ladder sequence of progressive discipline is below:
SaHS Discipline Consequences (Daily)
1st Offense: Verbal Warning (teacher- student conference)
2nd Offense:Teacher-Student conference/documentation in JPAMS, Minor Consequence
3rd Offense: Parent contact/documentation in JPAMS , Minor consequence/Request MHP services 4th Offense: Write a minor referral in JPAMS Minor Consequence/ Document all contacts and interventions,parent conference (administrator)
5th Offense: Major Referral and sent to the Discipline office on referral
Conflicts happen; however, we want every student to know that the faculty and administration are responsible for resolving these issues. If you find yourself in a conflict with any student, DO NOT respond or react. Campus disruptions of any kind will not be tolerated. Contact the nearest faculty, staff, or administrator to inform them of the conflict, and be prepared to provide witnesses and any other physical evidence to support your claim.
The Procedures are as followed:
BULLYING (PG. 28 STPSB District Handbook)
There is a Zero Tolerance policy at Salmen High for bullying of any kind. Cyber bullying, bullying through the web or cell phones or other electronic devices will be dealt with as severely as verbal and physical bullying. Students who are being bullied are encouraged to seek out a counselor or administrator for assistance. All measures will be taken to protect the anonymity of the person(s) reporting the bullying. Allegations of bullying will be promptly investigated and St. Tammany Parish policies and procedures will be followed.
Bullying Defined by Louisiana Law:
(As provided in Act 861 of 2012) A pattern of one or more of the following:
• gestures, including but not limited to obscene gestures and making faces;
• written, electronic, or verbal communications, including but not limited to calling names, threatening harm, taunting, malicious teasing, or spreading untrue rumor;
• electronic communication including but s not limited to a communication or image transmitted by email, instant message, text message, blog, or social networking website through the use of a telephone, mobile phone, pager, computer, or other electronic device;
• physical acts, including but not limited to hitting, kicking, pushing, tripping, choking, damaging personal property, or unauthorized use of personal property;
• repeatedly and purposefully shunning or excluding from activities; where the pattern of behavior is exhibited toward a student, more than once, by another student or group of students and occurs, or is received by, a student while on school property, at a school-sponsored or school-related function or activity, in any school bus or van, at any designated school bus stop, in any other school or private vehicle used to transport students to and from schools, or any school sponsored activity or event. The pattern of behavior must have the effect of physically harming a student, placing the student in reasonable fear of physical harm, damaging a student’s property, placing the student in reasonable fear of damage to the student’s property, or must be sufficiently severe, persistent, and pervasive enough to either create an intimidating or threatening educational environment, have the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s performance in school, or have the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
To ensure the safety of all students, the state of Louisiana gives school authorities, as defined by the St. Tammany Public School Board, the right to search students and/or belongings for items that violate school, state, and federal law.
State Law
In accordance with La.R.S. 172416.3, school authorities have the right to search any building desk, locker, area of grounds or the person of any student provided that such action of the authorities shall not be malicious or deliberately intended to harass, embarrass or intimidate the student. Searches can be made if school authorities have reasonable suspicion that illegal drugs, weapons, stolen goods or other materials or objects, possession of which is a violation of the policies of the School System, can be found.
Any evidence seized as a result of such a search may be used in criminal or juvenile court prosecution.
Any search of a student's person shall be done by a teacher or administrator of the same sex. At least one (1) witness who is an administrator or teacher, also of the same sex as the student, shall be present throughout the search. Students shall be given a receipt for all items impounded. The parent or guardian of the student shall be notified, in writing, of all search searches of the student's person.
1. When entering a restroom, cell phones or any unauthorized electronic device are not permitted.
2. Immediately leave the restroom if inappropriate behavior is seen or suspected. Report the incident to teachers or administrators.
3. Flush toilets and use proper hygiene .
4. No Loitering (hanging around).
1. Walk to the far right side of the hallway and walkways.
2. Do not stop at any time to converse with other students.
3. Be in class before the tardy bell rings.
4. Cell phones or any unauthorized electronic devices must be in a school bag and should not be seen.
1. Do not skip students in the meal line.
2. Remain seated while eating Breakfast/lunch.
3. Pick up trash in your immediate meal area.
4. No horse playing or extremely loud conversation.
Entering/Leaving Campus
1. Arrive at school on time; students arriving after 7:28 should report to student services to get checked in.
2. When entering the campus, bags must be opened and ID’s visible.
3. Students' cell phones and electronic devices should be powered off and put in the school bag before entering the campus in the morning.
4. Arrive to school in full uniform and leave campus the same way.
5. Report to your assigned area when the dismissal bell rings. Car riders and walkers should not hang out in the bus loading areas.
Assemblies/Pep Rallies
1. Sit in your grade level section or as directed by event leaders. (No Exceptions)
2. Follow above listed transition procedures.
3. Remain quiet while instructions are given.
4. During class hype and competition remain in the stands until dismissed.
5. Remain in stands until dismissed by grade level
6. Cell Phones are not to be used during events to record or take pictures. Follow State Law and district policy mandating no electronic device visibility or usage during school hours.
Detention Transition and Protocol
1. Report to detention on time Afterschool 2:45, Lunch within 5 minute transition, Saturday 8:00 am.
2. Work on academic course work for subjects taught this school year.
3. Remain and or show up in uniform
4. No sleeping or using any form of electronic devices
5. No talking unless instructed to do so.
Salmen High School is a member of the Louisiana High School Athletic Association (LHSAA) and follows all regulations and requirements set forth by LHSAA. These include requirements regarding residency, grades, attendance, etc. Appropriate behavior is expected of all athletes representing Salmen High School. Students on out of school suspension cannot participate in any practices, games, meetings or any school-sponsored activity effective upon receiving notice of suspension.
Please refer to the school website for a complete description of regulations with regard to school dances. Some highlights are listed as follows. All students with out of school dates must submit a request for approval to the principal one week prior to the dance. All dances are lock-in. Students must arrive within an hour of the beginning of the dance and may not leave prior to the end of the dance unless a parent/guardian comes in person to retrieve them. Students must adhere to individual dress criteria for each dance (i.e. formal, semi formal, and casual) must be appropriate for a school function. Any student with an outstanding financial obligation, excessive absences or tardies, more than one major referral, failure to turn in beginning of the year signed forms, or any suspensions for the marking period or pending Out of school suspension/expulsion will not be allowed to attend dances, pep-rallies, etc.
No more than 5 tardies or 5 absences per semester.
No more than 1 major referral and no Out of School suspensions or any student deemed a habitual violator of school rules as defined by multiple referrals and or administration discretion per nine weeks.
Purchasing tickets:
Tickets are purchased via your My Payments Plus account only. They must be purchased by the established and well communicated deadlines…NO EXCEPTIONS. Ticket deadlines are posted WELL in advance on your grade-level Google Classroom. Do not attempt to purchase tickets after the deadline has passed.
Out of School Date Forms:
Out of school date forms are due 7 days prior to the day of the dance. Incomplete or late out of school date forms will not be accepted. Please be responsible and make yourself fully aware of the due dates for each dance.
Deliveries such as flowers, balloons, cakes are not accepted for students during school hours. Any delivery made to the Main Office or Student Services will be refused. If a student brings these items to campus, they will be placed in the Office of Student Service until dismissal.
Students and parents are representatives of Salmen High School whether participating in or attending an athletic event/activity. They are urged to set a good example. Both enthusiasm and good sportsmanship are expected. Please show restraint and good judgment so that everyone can enjoy this wonderful part of high school sports. Fans who do not act appropriately at an event may be asked to leave. Dress code expectations will be enforced at sporting events for all in attendance. For a complete list of those expectations, see the school website.
Field trips are a privilege and as such, students must be in good standing (see below). The student must have the parent permission form signed and turned in prior to the trip. Student attendance, discipline and individual classroom teacher reports and grades are criteria that determine if a student is allowed to attend a field trip. Students going on field trips are excused from class and required to make-up all work missed within 2 days of the absence. Students are reminded that they are representatives of Salmen High and should dress and conduct themselves as such. Any student who causes discipline problems while on a field trip will not be allowed to participate in field trips for the remainder of the school year and may face disciplinary action. Any student who knowingly boards a field trip bus without proper permission or eligibility due to grades, attendance, or behavior will face disciplinary action.
Good Standings:
1. Attendance: No more than four tardies or four unexcused absences per semester.
2. Grades: A minimum grade point average of ‘C” in all classes is required.
3. Discipline: No more than 2 Major referrals and no Out of School suspensions.
4. Cannot be defined as habitual school rule violator by administration.
5. Subject to administration discretion
Students are not allowed to sell candy, snacks, or any other items on school campus unless it is in participation of a fundraising activity for a school sponsored club or organization that has received prior approval from the principal. Drink machines are available during breakfast, lunch, after school and during after school activities/games. CASH ONLY during breakfast and lunch. Once the initial bell rings to report to class no purchases should be made.
No student is allowed out of class without a pass. All other students will receive pre-made passes from teachers and must be in possession of this pass at any time they are outside of their scheduled classroom. Students are reminded that they are expected to take care of personal needs/business before school, and during lunch with pass. Hall passes are issued only in a case of emergency. If a student is given permission to use the restroom, they must sign out on the individual classroom log, and use the facility in the wing where their classroom is located. Students found in areas other than those approved by the teacher, will be considered skipping and disciplined accordingly.
Students may NOT be issued a pass by a teacher to miss or visit another teacher’s class. Teachers are to refrain from allowing students to go to the bathroom the first 5 minutes and last 5 minutes of class. Students with specific restroom needs are to bring a note from the doctor to the Student Services Office. Teachers will be notified and the note will be kept on file.
No one other than a counselor, administrator, or member of the office staff is allowed to ask for a student to leave a class.
Fraudulent passes are a major violation of school rules and serious consequences will be assigned. (ISS/OSS)
The library opens every day before school at 7:00 a.m., during lunch, and closes at 2:45 p.m. Students may use the library before school for tutoring sessions with the National Honor Society or to meet with their teachers at teachers request. It is expected that students remain quiet while utilizing the library resources and respect others who are reading and/or studying. Students must check out library materials to be used outside the library. Books may be borrowed for two weeks then renewed if necessary. Students should return the books on the due date or before, if possible. A fine of ten cents per school day will be charged on overdue books. Books lost or damaged must be replaced or paid for by the borrower. If a student has an overdue book, he/she may not check out additional books from the library until the fine is paid and the book is returned. Library checkout privileges will be restored when students have paid the fines, returned lost books, or negotiated with the librarian and/or principal as to reasons why the fine cannot be paid. The librarian will notify the parent or student in writing regarding overdue or lost books. All fines must be cleared before a student can be cleared for graduation practice. The library is a quiet place for study and reading. Students are not allowed to congregate in the library for the purpose of socializing. All school-wide rules and consequences apply when inside the library. Students failing to follow library rules will be asked to leave.
The Salmen High Cafeteria serves breakfast from 6:55 AM-7:25 AM each day. Meals will be provided at no cost to the student for the 2024/2025 school year. If a student wants to order an additional meal during any given meal time, that extra meal will need to be paid for. Please visit www.mypaymentsplus.com to pay for lunch or breakfast.
Students may bring a sack lunch from home and milk will be available for purchase. All lunch fees must be paid in full in order for students to participate in extracurricular activities such as dances, pep rallies, picnics, athletics and band.
Students are allowed to bring their lunch to school. No food or drink from restaurants or fast food establishments is to be brought on campus or delivered to students during school hours. Parents are not allowed to drop off fast food. Students are not allowed to bring food or drink into the classrooms, gym or library. Students who are in an unsupervised area will face discipline consequences.
Salmen High welcomes all parents who want to get involved. Joining the PTSA (Parent/Teacher/Student Association) is a great way to stay in touch with the school and your child’s activities. Become a Parent Volunteer. We need help in the front office, as well as the library and concession stand at lunch. You can attend sporting events and extracurricular activities. Check the Salmen High web page https://salmenhigh.stpsb.org/ for upcoming school events. Request a conference with your child’s teachers (via the Guidance Counselors) and contact the school if you have any questions or concerns.
If a phone or any electronic device is seen or heard, it will be confiscated. Any student found using a cell phone, displaying a cell phone, or in possession of a ringing cell phone during the instructional day, will have the cell phone confiscated and have disciplinary consequences. The parent/guardian will be required to retrieve the cell phone from the school principal/designee. If a student refuses to give a staff member their cell phone they will be reported to the school administrator who will take the appropriate disciplinary action. When an electronic device is confiscated, it can be picked up by the parent or guardian during normal school hours in Student Services. Revised state law states student’s cell phones must be powered off and placed in bookbags the entire school day. Cell phones cannot be placed in clothing pockets or purses. Communication watches cannot be worn at any time.
If a parent/guardian needs to communicate with a student, that person should call the school at (985) 643-7359 to leave a message for the student. Only emergency passes will be given to students between classes and during the lunch period.
Progressive interventions/consequences for cell phone use (upon confiscation) or related disruption consist of the following:
1. After school Detention
2. Saturday Detention
3. In School Suspension
4. Suspension
5. Other intervention deemed appropriate by administration
Refusal to relinquish the device to the teacher/admin./staff will result in a discipline referral “as disrespect” and the student may be SUSPENDED and a parent conference required before the student can return to class. IPADS or PERSONAL COMPUTERS ARE NOT ALLOWED ON CAMPUS.
Radios, Ipods, Ipads, Earbuds, Personal Laptops, Tablets, Cell Phones, apple watches or devices that communicate with phones, Cameras, Cd, Tape Players, Speakers, Etc. are considered electronic devices.
Personal entertainment devices highlighted above are not allowed on the school campus. If these items are brought to school, they will be confiscated by an administrator. Confiscated items will only be returned to a parent/guardian. Refusal to relinquish the device will result in Out of School Suspension.
Chromebooks are issued to all students with no outstanding fines who turned in their Chromebook guidelines paperwork with signatures. It is the responsibility of the student to make the librarians or issuer aware of any issues with the Chromebook once received so that it can be replaced immediately. Once the Chromebook is issued, it becomes the responsibility of the student. Parents are HIGHLY encouraged to purchase the $25.00 Chromebook insurance. The insurance covers any incident that may happen outside of malicious intent. It is important to also note that the insurance DOES NOT cover the Chromebook cover or the Chromebook charger. Any student owing a Chromebook fine from another school or from the previous school year must clear the fines on My Payments Plus before a Chromebook can be issued. Any senior student owing fines must clear all library fines before being cleared for graduation practice.
A commercial photographer takes school pictures and provides students with a Salmen High School picture ID. Seniors may have their senior portraits taken wherever they choose, however, only the pictures taken at school will be included in the yearbook. Students must meet dress code requirements in order to take their pictures.
Any notices, posters or stickers that a student or club wishes to display on the school campus must have the approval of the school administration. Failure to obtain approval will result in removal of the displayed article and possible disciplinary action. The clubs are responsible to immediately remove and clean up displays following the event advertised. These displays should be limited to bulletin board areas. Please do not tape posters to windows, doors, or walls where they have the potential to create damage.
Students are to refrain from physical contact of any kind. The only physical contact that is allowed between couples is hand-holding. Any further contact on school grounds will result in a hierarchy of consequences, including an initial warning, after-school detention, parent phone calls and conferences, ISS, suspensions.
The senior year is full of many memorable activities, all culminating with graduation. Seniors must clear any outstanding debts or fees prior to graduation. The graduation speeches are given by top ranking students. Should there be a tie for top ranking, the students sharing first place will submit speeches to a faculty committee. The best one will be chosen objectively. All members of the honor graduate group who have an average of 3.5 or better will be recognized in the graduation ceremonies. Please pay close attention to deadlines for payments for prom, senior dues, senior luncheon, and Disney World/Universal Studios Senior Trip. The administration reserves the right to charge nominal late fees after the deadlines. Ms. Liza Jacobs, Principal, is in charge of overseeing these activities.
Dress codes and drug and alcohol abuse policies will be strictly enforced during all senior activities.
All students who qualify for court are required to follow the guidance of the sponsor and administration. Hanging election posters anywhere on campus is prohibited. Small favors are acceptable.
Rigid standards for behavior are enforced on all school buses. The riding privilege of a student may be revoked for violation of the bus rules or for conduct that is detrimental to the safe operation of the bus. The bus driver has the authority and the responsibility to discipline students on the bus. Drivers have the support and cooperation of the school administration. Students are expected to adhere to these requirements of conduct on buses:
● Be completely seated facing the front of the bus.
● Keep their hands and feet to themselves.
● Talk in a low (normal) tone of voice.
● No student should leave campus once dropped off.
Students who want to transfer buses for one day must bring a note to Student Services before school to be verified during the day. Once verified, the Principal will sign the note and the student will give it to his/her bus driver. Students will not be allowed to ride any other bus other than his assigned one if parent permission is not verified. For more information on bus transportation including the bus stop locator, please visit https://stpsb.org/transportation/
Student parking on campus is a privilege. All students requesting a parking spot must have a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance in order to obtain a parking decal. Unauthorized vehicles will be booted or towed at the driver’s expense. Any student who violates Salmen High School parking policy may lose parking privileges. Students are not to go to their cars during the school day. They must exit the vehicle immediately after parking. Once parked on campus, a student may not leave for any reason without checking out through the Office of Student Services (with proper approval from a parent/guardian to do so) or unless he/she has a short day schedule. Parking privileges may be revoked for students with attendance problems, especially those regarding tardiness to school.
Dress Code/Uniform Policy
All dress code regulations adopted by the St. Tammany Parish School Board are strictly enforced. Any dress which is disruptive, provocative, or labeled with inappropriate advertising, language, or slogans are prohibited. Also be attentive to clothing that is sheer, short, slit, skin-tight, or shows skin. Salmen
High School students wear a committee-adopted uniform. There is also a dress code for school dances. Uniform Specifications are listed below:
All Salmen High School students are required to wear school uniforms and school IDs.
Bottoms: Pants, shorts, Capri’s or skirts must be khaki without holes or frayed edges. Also no emblems or symbols on pants and of the appropriate length (fingertip or below with arms extended). Pants must be secured at the waist; with no undergarments showing (this includes other shorts or pants). Tights or leggings should NOT be worn as school bottoms.
Tops: Students must wear a black, white, or gray polo shirt. The Salmen emblem is optional. The shirt must be a polo style with three button front, collar, and banded sleeves. Shirts should be long enough to cover the midriff and should NOT be excessively tight or form-fitting. Students may wear undershirts, but they must not be visible below the bottom of the school uniform shirt nor from the sleeves. Any shirt, sweatshirt, or hoodie that must be pulled over the head is considered a top.
Shoes: Flip-flops or backless thong beach-style sandals are not permitted. Also, slippers or night shoes are not permitted.
Jackets/Outerwear: School uniform shirts are required to be worn under any and all sweatshirts or jackets. A Salmen approved sweatshirt/hoodie is considered being in uniform.
School I.D.’s: All students must wear their Salmen High ID. It must be visible at all times. If the ID is NOT visible a student will be issued a school consequence. It is NOT acceptable for Faculty to have to ask students to display their ID. All students will be issued a lanyard to wear the ID. The lanyard must be worn displaying ID at all times. ID’s will be necessary for gaining access to school buildings, checking in or out of school, checking out textbooks and library books, and for eating lunch.
Replacements can be purchased in the school library for $5.00. A $5.00 fine will be assessed for each ID that is printed, each time an ID is printed for lost or forgotten ID’s. No student can be on campus without an ID. Failure to comply will result in a dress code violation and an after school detention.
Piercing: Body piercing ornaments are limited to the ears and nose. Students with piercings other than the ears or nose will be required to remove the item and will receive an automatic after school detention. Methods to hide the piercing will not be tolerated and detentions will be issued.
Hair: No extreme styles and must be neatly groomed. Males are permitted to have a neatly trimmed mustache, beard, or goatee.
All caps, hats, and bandannas are banned from the school campus during school hours (See STPSB District Handbook, page 17. This includes cold weather days. If a student enters the campus with these items, they will be confiscated and held until the end of the school year. Hoods may be worn outside of school buildings but only on days when the weather is very cold or raining. They should NEVER be worn inside of any school buildings.
School Uniforms
Additional information may be found on the Salmen website. https://salmenhigh.stpsb.org/
Shirt style and colors:
• Black, white or gray only (with or without school logo). NO other logos allowed if purchased without a school logo.
• Polo style shirt (2-3 buttons) with collar and banded sleeves.
• All bottoms (pants, shorts, skirts) must be khaki. (PLAID BOTTOMS ARE NOT ALLOWED)
• Pants must be secured at the waist with a belt.
• Skirts must be fingertip length or longer, and cannot be shorter than five (5) inches about the knee.
Book Bags
• Book bags must be school appropriate (no
inappropriate words or graphics) but do not have to be clear or mesh.
Where to Purchase Uniforms
Salmen does not sell uniform shirts. You may be able to find PLAIN shirts (without the school logo) at other locations (Walmart, Academy, Old Navy) and/or by ordering them online. The following are suggestions to help you in purchasing your uniform shirts:
Infini-Tees Screen Printing, Embroidery & Apparel
815 Robert Blvd.
Slidell, LA 70458
985-288-5005 (call for store hours)
Sells Tops & Bottoms
Bayeux School Uniforms
604A Robert Blvd. Slidell, LA 70458
985-726-7269 (call for store hours)
Professional Image, Inc.
1808 Front Street, Suite 5
Slidell, LA 70458
985-649-5145 (call for store hours)
They have SAMPLE shirts in the store for fittings, and you MUST place orders for
them. They also do embroidery on shirts that you provide. Call for prices.
Southern Blues Screen Printing
2136 Front Street
Slidell, LA 70458
985-643-1626 (call for store hours)
They do not sell shirts; they only do the embroidery on shirts you provide. Call for prices.
Detentions will be given for dress code violations. The administration reserves the right to require a student to change their attire or to have attire brought to them at school until it is deemed appropriate. If these measures are not followed, the student will remain in ISS for the remainder of the school day.
The school takes NO responsibility for book bags or their contents. Bags should never be left unattended. During PE, it is the responsibility of the student to secure his/her belongings with their own lock in an assigned locker.
Discipline Policy (Refer to District Handbook)
All means of dealing with discipline are aimed toward making the student understand his/her inappropriate behavior so that it will be corrected. Less serious offenses are dealt with by issuing detentions. Other more serious offenses will be handled by the following interventions:
Academic Lunch Detention
Academic Lunch Detention will be assigned by teachers to any students who choose not to engage in classwork. It is the expectation of the entire Salmen High School staff that students engage in all classroom activities. Lunch will be provided at a centralized location to be explained by administration. Students should report to the location within the 5 minute transition time. The student will remain in detention the entire lunch period.
Daily Detention
Students will be issued a detention scheduled Monday-Friday from 2:45-3:10. Students must arrive on time to the location announced. (Library or Cafe) Failure to serve will result in an automatic Saturday detention.Students must bring work, study material etc... No sleeping or head down. No cell phones or electronic devices can be used during detention. No Exceptions! A valid doctor's excuse or extenuating circumstances may be taken into consideration for makeup dates.
Saturday Detention
Students must be at Salmen at 8 am. Later arrivals will have no way to enter the school. Students must be in full uniform and bring their Chrome books if available. No sleeping or head down. No cell phones or electronic devices. Failure to serve will result in ISS on the next school day. If a student does not attend Saturday detention, the student must show up with a parent or legal guardian to sign them into in-school suspension on the next school day. No Exceptions!
If the student is absent or tardy to detention on the assigned day, then a medical doctor’s excuse, funeral document, or other strong extenuating circumstance should accompany the student (in writing) to his/her next school appearance. All school rules and regulations will be in effect during Saturday Detention.
In-School Suspension
Student reports to school but reports to the in-school suspension room for the day and is given class assignments to complete. The number of days a student is assigned can vary depending on the severity of the , as well as the number of times a student has been referred to the office. The ISS supervisor will enforce rules of behavior. If a student causes problems in ISS, the student will be issued an additional day of in-school suspension or possibly out of school suspension. Students must come to school with a parent or legal guardian to be signed into ISS. No Exceptions!
Out-of-School Suspension
Students are not allowed to attend school or any school activities for this period, from one to five school days. The student should keep up with their school work while suspended. The student will be allowed to make up work per teacher and district policy. Students must return to school with a parent to conference with the administration. If a parent conference meeting did occur on the day the suspension was issued, the student may return to school on the return date. If the parent conference did not happen, the student should be brought to school with a parent or legal guardian to meet.
First Suspension - student may return to school after suspension has been served and parent conference.
Second Suspension - students must get a letter from the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance at the School Board Annex in Slidell before being allowed to return to school. The number for the Slidell Annex is 985-646-4917.
Third Suspension - student and parent must attend a meeting at the Brook’s Curriculum Center with a Designee from the Superintendent’s office and Salmen’s Administration. A recommendation for Expulsion will be held. The number for Mr. Wills office at the Brooks Center is 985-898-3296.
Disciplinary consequences are arranged in a hierarchy. (See below) Classroom teachers will develop their classroom policies and may choose to allow input from students. Classroom teachers have a number of consequences at their disposal. Some teachers will issue lunch detentions for a variety of reasons. Lunch detentions are held with that teacher and, in that instance, a student must have a pass from the teacher to enter the classroom building during the lunch period. If a lunch detention is missed, the teacher will issue an after school detention. Teachers may also issue their own personal after-school detentions for a variety of reasons (class tardy; dress code; classroom behavior; missed lunch detention; etc.) Administrators uphold the issuance of detentions by teachers. Administrators will only remove a discipline detention from a teacher’s discretion in a rare circumstance and following an investigation.
(Subject to Change based on severity and student history)
Acts of Misconduct/Possible Disciplinary Actions
The Uniform Discipline Code established for all students in the St. Tammany Parish Public School System is expected to be followed and enforced in the same spirit and manner throughout the School System. Staff members will ensure due process for each student and will consider all mitigating circumstances prior to disciplinary action as possible. Mitigating circumstances include, but are not limited to, the following factors:
• age, maturity, and class
• willingness to make restitution
• placement of student
• seriousness of offense(s)
• prior conduct
• willingness to enroll in a student intervention program
• attitude of student
• support of parents
Possible disciplinary actions are not listed in priority order under each group of Acts of Misconduct. (See NOTES after GROUP 5 Possible Disciplinary Actions.)
These acts of misconduct include inappropriate student behaviors such as the following:
Acts of Misconduct
1-1 Cheating and/or copying work of another student 1-2 Displaying any behavior that is disruptive
1-3 Littering
1-4 Loitering
1-5 Persistent tardiness to school or class
1-6 Running and/or making excessive noise in the hall or building
Possible Disciplinary Actions
• Teacher-Student-Parent-Administrator Conference
• Referral to counseling
• Peer mediation
• Referral to the school building level committee
• Restorative justice practices
• Loss of privileges
• Detention
• Exclusion
• In-School Suspension
• Suspension (1-3 days)
These acts of misconduct include those student behaviors that disrupt the orderly educational process such as the following:
Acts of Misconduct
2-1 Defying (disobeying) the authority of school personnel 2-2 Disruptive behavior on the school bus
2-3 Exhibiting any hostile or unacceptable physical actions 2-4 Failing to abide by school rules and regulations
2-5 Failing to attend class without a valid excuse 2-6 Failure to provide proper identification
2-7 Initiating any unacceptable physical contact 2-8 Leaving a classroom without permission
2-9 Leaving the school grounds without permission 2-10 Lying to school personnel
2-11 Misconduct at school-sponsored events 2-12 Possession of laser lights/pointers
2-13 Use of electronic communication devices “cell phones”
2-14 Possession and/or use of other disruptive electronic devices 2-15 Possession or use of tobacco products or paraphernalia
2-16 Possession or use of electronic cigarettes
2-17 Posting or distributing unauthorized or other written materials on school grounds
2-18 Using or writing profane, obscene, indecent, immoral, libelous, or offensive language, including racial slurs, and/or gestures
2-19 Violation of the Dress Code
Possible Disciplinary Actions
• Teacher-Student-Parent-Administrator Conference
• Referral to counseling
• Peer mediation
• Referral to the school building level committee
• Restorative justice practices
• Loss of privileges
• In-School Suspension
• Detention
• Exclusion
• Suspension (1-3 days)
• Disciplinary Reassignment
These acts of misconduct include those student behaviors that seriously disrupt the orderly educational process such as the following:
Acts of Misconduct
1-1 Any behavior, on or off campus that is seriously disruptive, including the use/creation of electronic media 3-2 Bullying
3-3 Fighting - two (2) people
3-4 Gambling
3-5 Habitual violation of rules
3-6 Unauthorized use of a computer or website
3-7 Using profane, obscene, indecent, or immoral or seriously offensive language, including racial slurs, and/or making profane, obscene, indecent or immoral gestures, propositions, or exhibitions
3-8 Violating safety or traffic regulations
3-9 Violations of the school technology agreement, etc.
Possible Disciplinary Actions
• Teacher-Student-Parent-Administrator Conference
• Referral to counseling
• Peer mediation
• Referral to the school building level committee
• Restorative justice practices
• Loss of privileges
• In-School Suspension
• Detention
• Suspension (1-5 days)
• Disciplinary Reassignment
• Expulsion
These acts of misconduct include those student behaviors that very seriously disrupt the orderly educational process. In most cases, these behaviors also are illegal, such as the following:
Acts of Misconduct
1-1 Assault
1-2 Extortion
1-3 Fighting - more than two (2) people 4-4 Inciting or participation in a riot
4-5 Intentional disrespect
4-6 Persisting in serious acts of disobedience or misconduct 4-7 Possession, use, or delivery of fireworks
4-8 Possession of or use of a taser or pepper spray 4-9 Sexual harassment
4-10 Theft or possession of stolen property
4-11 Threatening faculty member or school personnel and students 4-12 Use of intimidation, coercion, or force
4-13 Vandalism/criminal damage to property
Possible Disciplinary Actions
• Teacher-Student-Parent-Administrator Conference and/or
• Suspension (3-10 days)
• Disciplinary Reassignment
• Police Notification
• Expulsion
These acts of misconduct include those illegal or criminal student behaviors that most seriously disrupt the orderly educational process such as the following:
Acts of Misconduct
1-1 Aggravated assault
1-2 Aggravated battery
1-3 Arson
1-4 Battery
1-5 Bomb threat
1-6 Burglary
1-7 Delivery or distribution of any controlled dangerous substance 5-8 Disorderly conduct
5-9 Engaging in any other illegal behavior 5-10 False activation of fire alarm
5-11 Possession or under the influence of alcohol, look-a-like substance, or mood-altering chemical or drug
5-12 Possession or under the influence of any controlled dangerous substance 5-13 Robbery
5-14 Sex violations
5-15 Terrorizing
5-16 Trespassing
5-17 Use, possession, and/or concealing of a weapon or look-alike firearm 5-18 Wearing or possessing body armor on school property
5-19 Vandalism/criminal damage of personal property of school personnel, other students, or school property
Possible Disciplinary Actions
• Suspension (minimum of 5 days)
• Disciplinary Reassignment
• Police Notification
• Expulsion
*****It is virtually impossible to anticipate every situation that may arise in the course of the school day. The administration reserves the right to adjust school procedures and discipline procedures when deemed necessary.*****
Questions Contact
Bus Adm. Assistant: Rickey Thiaville (Rickey.Thiaville@stpsb.org)
Student Progress Center Front Office: 985-648-7359 (Cynthia.Boudreau@stpsb.org), (Deborah.Pfeifer@stpsb.org)
Sports Athletic Director: Eric Chuter (Eric.Chuter@stpsb.org)
Clubs Student Life Coordinator: Shelby Frtscher (Shelby.Fritscher@stpsb.org)
Chromebook Issues Librarians: (Chanel.Cousin@stpsb.org), Lesley.Passman@stpsb.org)
School Events Student Life Coordinator: Shelby Frtscher (Shelby.Fritscher@stpsb.org)
ID's Librarians: (Chanel.Cousin@stpsb.org), Lesley.Passman@stpsb.org)
Workkeys Test Testing Coordinator: Casey.Prevost@stpsb.org
Seat Time Asst. Principal: Brisco, Quay A. (Quay.Brisco@stpsb.org)
Doctor's notes/Attendance Attendance Clerk: Howard, Bruce P. (Bruce.Howard@stpsb.org)
Discipline Issues Discipline Clerk: Hunt, Toni (Toni.Hunt@stpsb.org) Student services
Out of school dance forms Main Office Deborah.pfeifer@stpsb.org
Registration Main Office: 985-648-7359 (Cynthia.Boudreau@stpsb.org), (Deborah.Pfeifer@stpsb.org)
SWE Information
Asst. Principal: (Sharmaine.Donald@stpsb.org)
SWE Coordinator: (D'Lara.Carter@stpsb.org)
Senior Activities
Senior Sponsor: jessica.quinn@stpsb.org
Principal: Liza Jacobs (Liza.Jacobs@stpsb.org)
Scheduling Counselors (See List provided at the beginning)
Compliance Notice
The St. Tammany Parish School adheres to the equal opportunity provisions of the Federal Civil Rights laws and regulations that are applicable to this agency. Therefore, no one will be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, or national origin (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964); sex (Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972); disability (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) in attaining educational goals and objectives and in the administration of personnel policies and procedures. Anyone with questions regarding this policy may contact a Supervisor of Administration at 985-892-2276, St. Tammany School Board.
Teacher Bill of Rights
Respecting the authority of teachers is essential to creating an environment conducive to learning, effective instruction, and proper administration of schools. To maintain and protect that authority, teachers have the following rights under state law.
1. A teacher has the right to teach free from the fear of frivolous lawsuits, including the right to certain immunity and to a legal defense.
2. A teacher has the right to appropriately discipline students.
3. A teacher has the right to remove any persistently disruptive student from the classroom when the student’s behavior prevents the orderly instruction of other students or when the student displays impudent or defiant behavior and to place the student in custody of the principal or his designee.
4. A teacher has the right to have his or her professional judgment and discretion respected by school and district administrators in any discipline action taken by the teacher.
5. A teacher has the right to teach in a safe, secure and orderly environment that is conducive to learning and free from recognized dangers or hazards that are causing or likely causing serious injury.
6. A teacher has the right to be treated with civility and respect.
7. A teacher has the right to communicate with and to respect the participation of parents in appropriate student disciplinary decisions.
8. A teacher has the right to be free from excessively burdensome disciplinary paperwork.
9. A beginning teacher has the right to receive leadership and support, including the assignment of a qualified experienced mentor who commits to helping him/her become a competent, confident professional in the classroom and offers support and assistance as needed to meet performance standards and professional expectations.